So let me give you a little history of my art room. Alot of you who have been here before know all about it, but if you've never been here--I'll tell you. My husband and I have lived in our home for 30 years raising all of our children here, and now they're grown and gone (I truly do love my little birdies, but I sure am happy that my nest is now empty : ) So now we have this big old house all to ourselves--well I've pretty much taken it over--ahhh, such is the life of the husband of a mixed media artist.
And my art room is one of the bedrooms that we have--it's the smallest. It was the bedroom for most of my kids when they were babies--or the nursery (that's what I like to call it, because it's so tiny, only a baby could live in it) And a few months ago, it had a complete overhaul. I painted the walls, put a laminant floor in, and decluttered it (everything else that was in there has found a new home in other areas of my house) so now all that's in it are the things that I like to play with everyday. Oh yeah, there's one more reason why our home and this room, in particular, is special to me. This is the house that I grew up in and this was my bedroom the entire time I lived here until I moved out at the ripe old age of 19 to get married.
So enough talking! Let me show you around my art room. This is the one end of my room where I pretty much store everything. Usually the leaf of the desk is open for ongoing projects that I don't have room for on my work table.
And in addition to a junk drawer, I also have a junk bowl just filled to the brim with goodies--

Every flat surface in my room is filled with treasures just waiting for a home in a future art project (I have to mention that I am a garage sale junkie,and I have a passion for anything vintage)
And in addition to a junk drawer, I also have a junk bowl just filled to the brim with goodies--
I want you to keep in mind, that this is just a fraction of what I have--remember I've taken over the whole house. And I ALWAYS find that one little piece that will complete my piece of art.
And what would I do without my brushes, paints, pencils, crayons, and all of my "potions"
I'm always cooking up something in my "lab"
More storage space next to my work table--
And right next to my table is my ever-expanding wall of art--some of it's mine, but most are from other artists that I've met online. My goal is to fill these two walls from top to bottom and then to move on to the rest of the room.
And finally, here's my work table and what I'm working on right now--
Okay, who am I fooling--we all know that this last photo was staged. When I'm in the middle of something and that creative energy starts flowing, I can't be held responsible for the uproar on my table surface, and this is a good thing!! But for the party, I wanted to tidy it up a bit. As soon as I get back to this, the table will be back to being a mess. And if you want to see the completed piece, come back for the after-party next week and I'll show you. As you can see, it may not be the biggest space or the most efficient, but it's ALL MINE, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
This is my little haven. I'm always happy in here, no matter what may be going one in my life. It never fails to inspire me, and I'm always surprised at what it inspires me to create.
And there you have it--a little glimpse into my art space and world. I feel so blessed and fortunate, and I never take for granted the fact that I'm able to do this full time on a daily basis. So all those many, many, many, many............years ago before the words internet, email, facebook, etc., etc. were even invented, I was a content little 5 year old girl up in my bedroon painting with my paints, coloring with my crayons, and drawing with my pencils, and here I am right back where I started--painting with my paints, coloring with my crayons, and drawing with my pencils--life is good!!
Now we better get going---there 's a lot more parties going on. We can meet up at
Karen's place and check out everyone else who's having their own party. Have fun--I'm sure we'll see each other again during the festivities this weekend!
I like your work space organized and operates very well lit.
I send you greetings and wish you a pleasant weekend.
Thanks for sharing Diane, I love your little space and it's all the more special with the history behind it. I watched the first two episodes of that new show "Work of Art". It's pretty good so far, definitely some interesting artists. Happy Weekend to you!
I love your art space. How fun. I'm not participating because I just did a post on de-cluttering my studio a couple of weeks ago. I'm just touring. Great place, thanks for sharing. Stop by some time. Take care and have a great weekend.
Your space is not just functional, it is beautiful as well. You have such a warm and inviting work area. I can't imagine how you keep those lovely floors from getting paint on them.
I knew the history of your room, but telling it again, made it even more special. Glad you let everyone who visits know how special this room is. After all, past is prologue.
Oh wow Diane...such a nice workspace! So organized! Love it!! Smiles!
I was on my way to finish a post and I got diverted by your wonderful title. How could I resist? It's so much fun to see (and hear) how your space has evolved over the years. What history is stored within those 4 walls! Thanks for this end-of-the- week party!
Diane - I love your art space. So organized and full of goodies!
I ABSOLUTELY love your painting of the girl with the peace sign. All of them are gorgeous, but she has stolen my heart. I'll be coveting her in my dreams!!
Did I see a jar of buttons? Your art work is amazing. I love your bowl of goodies. Enjoy your empty nest! ParTEE! ~Robin~
Nice tour! I like your studio, light and filled with wonderful art! :)
Thank you for sharing your space, Diane. It's been so much fun seeing where everyone unleashes their creative muses. Have a wonderful weekend! Theresa :)
I love that your creative space is so full of meaning and memories, Diane! And thanks for letting me peek inside for just a little while. I loved seeing where you create! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo
Wow Diane, that's so special to be back where you started. I love your space, it's perfect!!!
I love your space, Diane, and I remember when you said it was the house you grew up in. I think that is amazing! It looks so nice and organized and ripe for the picking!!
I love your art work, thanks for showing me where it all comes together!
Thank you for the invite and all that yummy eye candy! Love it, love it, love it! And especially NO CALORIES!
Love your studio!!! Jealous you have'm down in the basement....lots of
this is my first time to your blog. How wonderful to see your art space! Then to hear the history is a wonderful plus. Your art is charming as can be. Happy party to you.
oops, I believe it is my second visit and I am so happy to see you again~
It's absolutely beautiful, and you are a dear to share it with us all. How wonderful it must feel to soar with it all!
Wow Diane, you have such a great history with that house, it must feel fantastic being back in your room, how wonderful!!
You made great use of the space in there too, I am like you too, I love collecting other artists work to hang in my room (and the rest of the house) so inspiring!!
Micki x
Thanks for this - I so love looking round people's work spaces! I always love reading your blog. :) x
Hello Diane,
a very pretty and organised room, I see you uses the floor as I do, well maybe not that much :)
Love your art walls.
Hugs, Dorthe
Such a beautiful work space Diane, filled with the things you love and lots of light!! Now we know how you create such gorgeous things!!Thanks for sharing!
Love the tour of your art space! Lots of fun stuff! Please stop by and take a tour of my creative space!
Live Creatively!
Great party! Had fun visiting your art room,which is so nice and neat and organized. Did you clean especially for the party LOL. And I know I heard the story about your house before but I still love it.
I just love the history of your home & especially the room where you create. It's filled with all the things I/we love. That bowl filled with goodies, I'll take that. I'll email you my addy. LOL You crack me up with your staged photo, my whole post was staged! I'm deep into some serious deadlines & my space is a disaster. I just moved stuff back & forth out of camera range. Thanks for a great tour! Lisa
What a wonderful space...even better because you actually grew up there! Thank you for sharing
Wonderful workspace! Love your "junk" bowl... and that little painted bird is soooo pretty....
Such a wonderful tour, Diane! I laughed when you said your art table photo was "staged". When we are flying around creating, the room spins with us. :)
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Oh, this is wonderful!! I saw a few shots before, but I love all the detail here - a junk bowl? I want one now! And I think that it is so special that you have lived in that home almost your whole life . . . what memories you must have! Kristin xo
Your workspace is as beautiful as you, filled with love and a nice vibe just right for all the amazing things you create. Thanks for sharing your special space!
Wow, I wish I could be as organised in my studio. Loved seeing where you work, it must be a very inspiring place to create :)
I like the term 'potions' for the supplies!
How live in the house you grew up in! What special memories your home must hold. I must admit that I just want to get both of my hands digging in your junk bowl! :) I am sure I could find lots of treasures! I especially love your wall of art from online artists. How special is that? Your art work is wonderful!
Come visit me!
Wow, I LOVE your work space. It looks organised and yet so interesting. Fab art wall :-)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that art wall and would be delighted to visit you and look at all your wonderful stuff! How blessed you are to have all that space! Patsy from
What a FABULOUS workspace. I have workspace envy. ☺ I aslo happen to completely adore your art! ♥♥
Diane, I so love your studio!! What a darling story too. How cool for you to be back there with your five year old self, playing and creating.
So much fun to see!!
Love and hugs,
Hi Diane,
Lovely space you have to create all your fabulous art! Loved reading your story too... put a smile on my face ... Everything neat and tidy and lots and lots of goodies! Love it!
Thanks for sharing with us :)
Take care and have a lovely day
A beautiful blog AND workspace, Diane!
Aaaaw! I love your studio! I envy you. I don't have a studio. I just draw wherever I sit and our living room is a mess with my easels. Have fun creating.
Love, love, love your workspace! Thanks for sharing these.
What a darling creative space! Love your new floors. I had to laugh..staging your work area? Me, too! Guilty as charge. ;o)
So, enjoyed my visit with you. Enjoy the rest of the party.
I love looking at your art space!! It's been fun visiting different spaces!! Diane--I got married when I was 19 also--what were we thinking??? Just babies!
I see lots of treasures here Diane!
Love your space! I see your creativity everywhere in it!
Queen Bee Studio
What a special story...of you and your room. I feel like I know you a little better...this is just what I needed to see today! My room has been growing with stuff and I finally don't have room for myself! I love all your collections and shelves and your walls! I was going to tell you a long time ago that the quilt piece I sent you while we were in the first gut art something you are welcome to cut and collage with or whatever....even copy it...I have manipulated some of my old pieces for new collage papers and it was going to store and coming home with new stuff! Also, thanks for the heads up on Gritty Jane's little classes on paper on wood and the textures on are full of fun and valuable tips!! Thanks for sharing!!!
A wonderfully inspiring creative space...thank you for sharing it with us : ) Hope you will stop by Julie's Open Window and take a peek inside...
Beautiful and organised.
I always love to peek at ppl studio.
You have a great work space! I thought your table looked too clean:) Thanks for sharing this with us! Jennifer:) are so sweet, I was just fooling around with some of my old art and manipulating it in Photoshop and it will make awesome you have a scanner? I have more fun with that thing...anyway...I bought clear boxes today at Wal-mart to clean my room/studio....I can't seem to throw away, so it will be stacked in a storage area...I TOO have taken over the house...and almost the garage! Thanks for the party, and I still think how wonderful that that room was your room growing up!! You should collage that "post" on a piece of art for your room!..a picture of you at five and now....
Oh, it is so fun to see your space!
I love how you shared your home and
art space. I tend to spread my
art stuff all over the home, too ;-D
You are not alone! Thanks for
being so welcoming and enjoy your sacred space~
What a wonderfully creative space!
I adore your storage solutions. They have inspired me.
So happy someone else has taken over the whole house. Thanks for the peek.
There are soooo many studios to see and just not enough time! I love that you're still creating in the same room that you were in as a child.
I love your paintings, AND your studio! I am also glad to hear that the Pixies and I are not the only ones to take over the house!
thank you for sharing and Thanks for having us over!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!
Diane, What a great space you have! I love the bowl of odds and ends/collectables you have. A great idea to put everything out in a bowl to keep them at hand. Thanks for sharing this. Oh and by the way...the shadowbox art is fabulous!!!
The space is wonderful! But I really love your art!! Beautiful pieces!
Wow, your space is so full of history - family history - starting with you. It is a wonderful creative space.
Diane, Being the sentimental type, I loved this post! How special to use a room that hold so many special memories. I love your artwork as well. What a fun idea to fill your wall with pieces from other've got some yummy ones for sure! Xo, Sue
Love your work space and love your artwork even more. I will be back! Thank you for sharing.
How fun to live in your childhood home! You create beautiful art in your little room. Thank you for inviting us to visit.
Diane, your room is wonderful. It looks very conducive to creating beautiful art! Thank you for sharing your space and it's story with all of us.
My Desert Cottage
So much to see ..your art work is fantastic..what a wonderful space you have to create anything your heart desires! TFS.
what great history that room has-and full of fun art-making stuff now!
Great space. What I really have to comment on is that I love your work!! So colorful and alive!
Wow, for a little space it packs a lot of punch! I have a teeny space so I would love to take over a room like this. You've got a great set-up and I'd love to look through some of those trays. I'll bet there is endless inspiration there.
Love your workspace and your art is absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing your creative haven.
Your art is awesome and your room is so great. There's something special about still having the house you grew up in. What a treat!
You create such interesting pieces. It's amazing how quickly spaces fill in when room is made available. Sounds like you have plenty of space now. I love that you display art created by others as well as your own. Thanks for sharing. Connie
I really enjoyed seeing the photos and reading about your creative space. I saw a lot of things that look a lot like what is in my room. I am not really an "artist", but I do altered art, so I have tons of paper and whimsy and little gidget gadgets to use in my art. My biggest dilemma is how to store things so that I can find them when I want them. I remember that I have something, but it is frustrating when I can't put my hands on it. I'd love any tips that you have found useful. I, too, have a small room and I have one full time bird still in the nest and 2 boomerang birds that are back. So I still can't take over the house - ha!! But someday.....Thanks for sharing your space. Happy creating! Blessings!
Diane, I enjoyed reading about your space and seeing its organization. Now that I'm an empty nester, I have the smallest bedroom (or nursery) for my studio, too. I've tried almost every art form and have been doing mixed media for a year, but yours is SO wonderful. You are a great inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
Do you do your own drawing? Your work is very unique. I love it!! Thanks for sharing your space. I have only been blogging for a little over 3 weeks and missed this link party but will take part next year. I would be honored if you could come by my blog for a visit at
Thanks and Take Care~ Sherry
Hi Diane - love your story, love your room! I too live in the house that I grew up in, although I moved back in with my mom when my dad died. So for now I'm squeezed in a corner - sometime I should post photos (if ever I can get it neat enough!). I am a yard sale junkie too, although you are sooooo neat about your treasures!
Enjoyed seeing all your goodies and potions! It's always neat to view the behind-the-scenes of a creative space as well as peruse the gallery of finished pieces. I especially liked the one with all the houses and swirly sunshine above. Love your use of color and texture! :D
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