Wednesday, June 2, 2010

With One Palette

In every issue of Somerset Studio, they always have the With One Palette feature, which I love because it shows what you can do with just 3 or 4 different shades of paint and that's what I used for the background of each of these paintings.

Here's the background and the colors that I used--

The  background color is more true on the paintings than it is on this photo.
First I put a layer of watery gold ochre on it, and when that was dry I applied Pthalo green, Raw sienna, and Titan buff all over--blotted, wiped off, reapplied until I was happy with the results,  And also just a teeny smidge of Paynes gray.  So I guess that's 5 colors, but who's counting.  The main reason I 'm showing this  is for me.  Remember, this blog is my art journal, and I wanted to journal this, because I love the result, and I'm going to forget how I did it.  In the beginning of the year, my plan was to have a real life journal--okay, whatever!
And also, later when it was dry (a note to myself), I splattered some titan buff all over it.

 And did I tell you that I like to paint sun faces--I'm pretty sure I did. Well this time I wanted to make big, big ones, These are on 12 x 16 gallery wrapped canvases--so the faces are pretty big and I love them!


Lovey said...

Wow Diane I love it! This is absolutely beautiful and so full of life! Excellent color palette!
Thanks for the comment:
Smiles feel the love for pretty collecting too huh? Hugs!

Susan HP said...

I absolutely love this one! The colors are wonderful and I love the style. Thanks, once again, for the tutorial!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I tend to forget how I do my backgrounds as well. :)) This piece is fabulous!

sharon said...

A perfect theme for this time of year!! Your detail and colors are amazing Diane!!! This piece is fabulous!!

Janie Husband said...

Diane, these are soooo cheery and beautifully painted.....outstanding..

Tina said...

Wow, I love this and I just spent a little time catching up on the posts I've missed.
Always inspiring.

Jeanne Nelson said...

Beautiful, Diane! Love the suns...and the birdies, and sentiments. You're inspiring me to get busy on my sun face, ;).

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Just perfect! So happy and the details are wonderful with all the swirly sweetness. Blessings.

Martha Lever said...

I love this, Diane, and I love seeing people put the steps for all us voyeurs to see!!!! The colors are fabulous! You have such a wonderful style that is all your own.

Buffy said...

You're so funny,making notes to yourself in your blog,now I feel like I'm being nosy and reading your diary.LOL. Actually its a great idea. I love your sun face,it looks like a real face.The three colors(I mean five,I counted) looks good together.

Unknown said...

I love them too! the bigger the better.

rachel awes said...

i love
that you love
to paint
sun faces.
what could
be better
than playing
with warm yellow
that kisses
our heads?
dear one!x

Caterina Giglio said...

very vibrant and i love that you use this blog as a journal! well done!

Butterfly Works said...

The sunfaces are the colors....and so glad you describe the process for us...
Hugs and Blessings

Unknown said...

what a busy little beaver you've been. all these new paintings! very sweet. love the bird on the swing and all the flowers.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

How beautiful and happy! I love the sun, too. :) Thanks so much for your kind comments on my dolls, by the way. It is a true compliment coming from someone so talented! Have a great day! Theresa

Mechelle said...

Your piece turned out wonderfully. Great job!

Cathy said...

with one palette is one of my fav SS features. i love your whimsical beautiful work!

A - Zinnia Productions said...

Oh...beautiful, happy, vibrant, and fun!!!! oxoxo Zinnia

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This was precisely why I started my blog. Pictures and words stored on a server that would remind me of what I had done. I really love the finished piece and the beautiful sun. It's a perfect addition to the others you have made.

Janine said...

This is lovely!

All this time buying SomersetStudio and I never saw that section...guess I don't pay much attention unless it is a photo, my bad! Thanks for sharing this now I will go back and look for it!

Amy said...

your work is always inspiring to me..I just love the sun and your celestial piece is grand

Emelie said...

Beautiful work and a great lesson on color. It takes discipline to do that as there is an urge to put out another color when making decisions as the painting goes along. The sun is a good choice, with your show coming up and summer and even winter for that matter.

Such beautiful detail and imagination you have and you just flow along creating beautiful work.
I love coming here for visitis. It makes me want to paint, but then I always want to paint.

Dorthe said...

Diane ,love your sun,too.
I also made sun-dolls, some years ago, maybe I would do another one, after visiting you, and getting inspiered.
Hugs, Dorthe

Heather said...

This is so lovely! I always find those features very inspiring, its great to know what you can do with just a few colors.

And you're more than welcome to link to the blog post on craft shows! And good luck on the one you're doing this weekend!~

Anonymous said...

Love it and the description of how you did it!

Manon said...

Love that you show your process!! Very nice piece!!

juliaD said...

hi diane
beautiful art!!!!

Dianne said...

Beautiful paintings! Love the colors and the style!

Debby said...

Hi Diane, this is so beautiful, love all those colors and your sun faces are amazing.

Barbara said...

I love these ... your suns are great and the colour palette seems to really be one that you work well with.
All the best,
Barbara said...

oh my gosh...these are the greatest, diane!!! i love your suns. and i am in love with your bird on the swing, how clever and delightful delightful!!!
i too forget what i've done sister is forever asking me and it kills me when i don't know and interesting...good idea to write it in your journal and you are also teaching others! you really are great! xo

pammyjo said...

This is Great! You rock good art pieces. :) So creative!

erin carver said...

Wow Diane, this is GORGEOUS! I particularly love the wee birdies at the bottom! how inspiring :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane,
The painting of yours is simply fun and free and wonderful!
I can feel the freedom within your work!
Thank you for posting at my blog, yes, the book is wonderful, I have read four chapters.. and whew!
Go read and Fly girl!
hugs, :-)

Dapoppins said...

Your sunshines make me smile! Of course, most of your art just makes me want to smile.

Anonymous said...

Your garden girls are lovely! I have never tried the one palette method...this sun piece is superb!Traci's classes will be starting a new session June 7.

kae pea said...

you always leave such nice comments! I though its about time I tell you how lovely and inspiring your art is too :)

Deedra said...

Oh my goodness...I LOVE this!!!

Marlynn said...

Tis another beauty as always - I am always intrigued with you colors, Diane! Beautiful!

Andrea said...

Love your colors!

Kelly Berkey said...

Beautiful! I'm going to have to try that on my bacgrounds. I think I love the titan spatters the most!
This will sell fast!
Hugs and love,


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